Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday's Talent

Tuesday's Talent just keeps getting bigger and better! I am thrilled! Today, we have artwork from three budding artists!

Our first drawings come from The Boy's Guide to Drawing Aliens, Warriors, Robots and Other Cool Stuff. There is some weird and scary stuff in there! All of the stuff boys love to draw!

First we have a drawing from my friend's son Mr. B. Do you remember Miss M. from a couple of Tuesday's ago? Mr. B is her big brother. He took time from his skateboarding (which I hear he is totally awesome at) to draw this for my son!
Meet Voggles. According to the book, Voggles are some of the weirdest aliens you'll ever see. The special aye antennas let each Voggle see what all other Voggles see. Mr. B. did an awesome job on this drawing! Thanks B!

Now this picture was done by my very own kiddo. He decided to put three different drawings into one. The book tells us that the first weird guy we see is an alien. He is called Skrawks. The Skrawk people have been involved in galactic politics for hundreds of years. They think every person's opinion is important. The warrior in the air is Hiroto. Through many years of practice and lots of hard work, Hiroto became a martial arts master. He can defeat enemies in the blink of an eye. The last creature is a robot. He is Pacifier P-17s. In the year 2432, civil war rocks the planet Venus. Pacifier P-17s were created to bring peace. Too bad the machines don't know friend from foe. They crush anyone in their way with their giant mechanical claws.

*Descriptions from the first two drawings come from the book.

Ahh, now here's something a little more serene. Here we have a beautiful garden scene drawn by Miss M. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and everything is budding in the garden! I love the little brown bunnies. They are enjoying everything that is yummy in a bunny's tummy. There is lettuce, carrots and big green cabbages! Every bunny's dream! This sunny garden is so inviting that even the butterflies have come by to join the fun! I love the giant pink butterfly....I hope she stops by to visit my veggie garden!

As always, thanks for stopping by, and do come back....who knows what you'll find next time!

1 comment:

  1. Ty for including the kids. They get a thrill from seeing their artwork online. The aliens are interesting. Miss M certainly brought a girly feel at the end. :)
